Explained - National Bamboo Mission (2006-07)

Background :-

Bamboo is a versatile group of plants which is capable of providing ecological, economic and livelihood security to the people. Two third of the growing stock located in the North-Eastern States. 

Importance of the crop as a source of raw material for industrial and domestic use with its growing demand all over the country necessitated its cultivation in farm lands as well. Keeping in view the vast untapped potential of the bamboo plant, it was decided to implement a scheme on National Bamboo Mission for addressing the issues relating to the development of bamboo in the country.

National Bamboo Mission (NBM) started as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme in 2006-07, was mainly emphasizing on propagation and cultivation of bamboo, with limited efforts on processing, product development and value addition.

Key Elements of National Bamboo Mission :-
  • Research and Development for sustainable development and new Bamboo Agri-forestry technique for technology generation
  • Establishment of new Nurseries to raise bamboo seedlings
  • Raising high yielding bamboo plantations on commercial basis in Forest and Non-Forest areas
  • Rejuvenation of senile bamboo plantations
  • Pest and Disease Management of bamboo.
  • Handicrafts, bamboo marketing and exports
  • Capacity building and Human Resource Development of farmers, field functionaries and others
  • New Marketing Strategy for Bamboo and establishment of Bamboo Markets, Bamboo bazaar and retail outlets
  • Meticulous monitoring, evaluation and reporting, Database generation, compilation and analysis

The main objectives of the Mission are :
  • To promote the growth of the bamboo sector through as an area based regionally differentiated strategy
  • To increase the coverage of area under bamboo in potential areas, with improved varieties to enhance yields
  • To promote marketing of bamboo and bamboo based handicrafts
  • To establish convergence and synergy among stake-holders for the development of bamboo
  • To promote, develop and disseminate technologies through a seamless blend of traditional wisdom and modern scientific knowledge.
  • To generate employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled persons, especially unemployed youths.

To achieve the above objectives, the Mission would adopt the following strategies :
  • Adopt a coordinated approach covering production and marketing to assure appropriate returns to growers/producers.
  • Promote Research and Development (R&D) of varieties and technologies for enhanced production.
  • Enhance acreage (in forest and non-forest areas) and productivity of bamboo through varietal change and improved agriculture practice.
  • Promote partnership, convergence and synergy among R&D and marketing agencies in public as well as private sectors, at all levels.
  • Promote where appropriate, cooperatives and self-help groups to ensure support and adequate returns to farmers.
  • Facilitate capacity-building and Human Resource Development.
  • Set up National, State and sub-State level structures, to ensure adequate returns for the produce of the farmers and eliminate middlemen, to the extent possible.

Structure : 
  • On apex level, it has a National Apex Committee (NAC) under the Chairmanship of Union Minister of Agriculture. The members of this committee are various ministers. 
  • Then, there is a National Steering Committee (NSC) headed by the Secretary, Deptt. of Agriculture & Cooperation, to oversee the activities of the Mission and approve the Action Plans. 
  • On national level, there is also a National Bamboo Cell, which has bamboo specialists as its members and a mission director, an official from the agriculture ministry. 
  • On state level, the state government establishes a State Bamboo Steering Committee (SBSC) under Secretary Agriculture/ Horticulture / Environment and Forests.

Bamboo Development Agencies : 
The Bamboo Mission covers both the forest as well as non-forest areas. The scheme documents make provisions that 

  • In the forest areas, the bamboo development will be function of the Forest Development Agencies (FDA) and the Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMCs). 
  • In case of Non-Forest Areas, the Bamboo Development Agencies (BDAs) will be the nodal agency to whom funds will be released by the Ministry of Agriculture for onward disbursement to the beneficiaries.
    BDA will be set up in each State with the Director, Agriculture/Horticulture/Environment & Forests or any other officer considered appropriate by the State Government as Mission Director. 

Bamboo Technical Support Group (BTSG) : 
  • The scheme documents say that a Technical Support Group will be established at the Central level to support National Bamboo Cell. 
  • A minimum of three experts having experience in Bamboo plantation, handicrafts and marketing will be engaged. 
  • The BTSG will be funded by the Mission and will be under the direct control of NBC. 

How Funding takes place ?
The assistance is routed to the beneficiaries via the state governments.
  • States are required to prepare a Bamboo Development Mission Document (BDMD) and submit it to the Department of Agriculture. 
  • The funding is for 3 separate missions viz. Research & Development, Plantation Development and Handicraft, Marketing & Export.
Plantation Development
The principal activities under this are:
  • Establishment of Nurseries
  • Certifying Agency for Planting Materials
  • Tissue Culture Laboratories
  • Planting Scheme : Forest Areas & Non - Forest Areas
  • Improvement of Existing Stock
  • Technology Transfer & HRD in Plantation Development
  • Micro-Irrigation
  • Technology Dissemination through Front Line Demonstrators

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